Knoll Chadwick

Knoll Chadwick



More and more people have been observed slouching at work.  Research showed that computer screens were drawing users closer, and heavy chairs at the time did not articulate forward or move easily with the user.  

Don Chadwick had been designing office furniture for over 40 years, and had a couple ground-breaking ideas on the subject. The design brief for the Chadwick chair called for perfect ergonomic articulation in a lightweight package, a chair that would easily move with the user and come forward to promote good desk posture.  Don's directives focused on a timeless aesthetic coupled with a state-of-the-art user experience.

A calm, simple aesthetic.  Automatic armrests, three simple controls in a compact spring assembly, and an ultra-lightweight chassis.  These features and design decisions compose a chair that disappears while serving its primary purpose -comfort and support.

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Some of the forms found in the chair were inspired by the exterior metal of Porsche automobiles.  Knoll was so proud of the project that Don's signature was molded into the bottom of the chair.