||| PROJECT: L300 Treatment Device ||| ROLE: Industrial Design and UX Design ||| TYPE: Medical Device

||| PROJECT: L300 Treatment Device ||| ROLE: Industrial Design and UX Design ||| TYPE: Medical Device



L300 Treatment Device

VOC showed that opthamologists and optometrists like their tools to convey capability, precision, and sophistication.  As a startup, Lumi Thera needed to make a debut in the eye device segment. Our client asked us for a visual style appropriate for the eye doctor's office.  My team looked at the evnviroment [and users] and presented a style that we felt aligned the L300's design language to speak to opthamologists as well patients.  This new language for Lumi Thera created a slight change in traditional opthamology product appearance: we made the patient side more soft, friendly, and inviting.  The doctor side is clean, crisp and tech-forward. This was designed in collaboration with Taylor Thomas and the PCS engineering team.

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The L300 design language is representative of it's revolutionary treatment technology.  Among it's peer devices this L300 is more inviting, and it's user interface is sophisticated and user oriented.     



Multidisciplinary UX brainstorms drove user needs and user research work.


The User Interface for the L300 was developed by Taylor Thomas, Kevin Courtney, and myself.  We started with user workflows to gain a deep understanding of what features would be needed in the UI.